Aging and The Internal Organs – A Balancing Act

Karin Stephan On-Demand

Recorded: 01/29/2023

In this workshop, “Aging and The Internal Organs – A Balancing Act”, recorded on January 29, 2023, Karin Stephan combines the brilliant work of BKS Iyengar along with basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine through a selection of poses that affect our various internal organs. This approach of looking at the asana is useful at any age but especially as we grow older. Please be sure to download the handout as a resource to accompany the workshop.


This handout illustrates which sets of yoga asanas are especially beneficial for each set of organ pairs.

Guided Meditation

Led by Roni Brissette, this Guided Meditation on Balance complements the workshop by Karin Stephan. Roni’s study of Mindfulness precedes her 30 years as an Iyengar Yoga teacher. With an emphasis on mindful attention and a path of reflection, Roni invites you to explore this meditation with the spirit of “Make the experiment and see what comes.


Roni Brissette is an Iyengar Yoga teacher for nearly 30 years and her path to the study of Mindfulness preceded her yoga studies. Roni was in the first class of Dr. Herb Benson, author of the Relaxation Response. Her training has included courses with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach as well as work with Sharon Salzberg, Sylvia Boorstein, Pema Chodron, Joseph Goldstein and Trudy Goodman. Roni began teaching a Mindfulness course in 2014 and weaves the teaching into her Body Wisdom yoga classes. Her focus is on Vipassana meditation which is at the heart of Buddhist meditation. This practice emphasizes mindful attention, developing an immediate or “face to face” experience in all spheres of activity. Roni is thrilled to have you experience the benefits of Mindfulness Meditation as part of the Yoga and Aging series. 

Learning Lab with Rahel Wasserfall

Sunday, February 12, with Rahel Wasserfall

In this Learning Lab based on the workshop, “Aging and The Internal Organs – a Balancing Act”, Rahel Wasserfall PhD, Certified Iyengar Yoga Teacher (CIYT) of Artemis Yoga leads you through a sequence initially taught by Karin Stephan. With interactive question and answer, Rahel offers an interpretation of Karin’s workshop through yoga asana that strengthens your internal organs and entire body. The Learning Lab is an opportunity to review, reinforce and enhance the Yoga and Aging workshops.

Click Here to Download Handout

Karin Stephan

Karin Stephan is a leading Iyengar yoga teacher in the United States with a career spanning more than 50 years. She co-founded the first BKS Iyengar Yoga Center on the east coast in 1985. She credits her understanding and appreciation of the human body to the teachings of BKS Iyengar.

“There is a very safe and intriguing way to work with our body as we age. We will still face challenges but the process of finding solutions can be exciting. Age does not affect our ability to stay open to the new. We have to learn to go from the known to the unknown and be available to surprises as they come our way."

As we age, we often become overly concerned with our outer body without thinking about our inner body, such as our internal organs. We worry about our skin quality, loss of muscle mass, decreased bone density, loss of flexibility in our joints, unaware that some of these changes can be mitigated by working on our inner body.  Ancient healing sciences such as Yoga and Traditional Chinese Medicine teach us that when you strengthen your internal organs you also strengthen your entire body.

In this workshop, Karin will combine the brilliant work of BKS Iyengar along with basic principles of traditional Chinese medicine and present carefully selected sets of poses that affect our various internal organs.  This approach of looking at the asana is useful at any age but especially as we grow older as it can profoundly and directly affect our quality of life to the very end. Working this way allows us to have smoother skin, stronger bones, deep and better sleep, quiet and consistent energy and an awakened and alert mind.

Prior to the workshop, students will be sent visual aids illustrating which sets of yoga asanas are especially beneficial for each set of organ pairs.

Live Stream Discussion

Recorded: Sunday, 4th December 2022

Yoga and Aging: Shifting Perspective kicked off with a panel conversation featuring the collective wisdom of long-time expert practitioners and moderated by Rahel Wasserfall.

Panel Guests: Karin Stephan | Patricia Walden | Peentz Dubble | Eyal Shifroni | Roni Brissette 



Complete Series Early Bird $170 (normally $180)

4x Workshops & 4x Learning Labs & 4x Meditations




December 4, 2022 @ 1PM ET

Join us December 4, 2022 as we kick off Shifting Perspective, Season 2 of Yoga & Aging